Child Health Nursing Reviews and Rationales

When you’re prepping for the NCLEX for pediatrics, you’ll need to make sure you’re well-informed and practiced. This  is one of the books in the Prentice and Hall reviews series, covering Child Health Nursing. It breaks down all the “important” information so that you can find what you  need quickly.

This includes a CD-ROM that has more test-taking practice questions, with rationales for right and wrong answers. There are vocabulary reviews, practice to pass excercises, NCLEX alerts, and critical thinking case studies. It covers everything you need to know!

Prentice Hall Reviews & Rationales: Child Health Nursing (2nd Edition)

By Mary Ann Hogan, Vera Brancato, Judy White, Kathleen Falkenstein

Site Price: $25.77 (usually $37.80)

Review on

I am a senior nursing student working towards my BSN. This book helped me out a great deal. Sometimes textbooks go on and on about certain topics instead of giving you the basics (getting to the point). This book breaks pediatric nursing down to the science. It gives you the information without all the unnecessary mumbo-jumbo. This book is a great aid when reading your text or during lecture. I received a B (88%) out of my pediatric nursing course just from studing this book 90% of the time. Quiet as kept, a lot of nursing professors take their information and exam questions from reference books. Trust me, its well worth the purchase!!

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