Strategies to Improve Nurse’s Emotional Health

August 31, 2019 by  
Filed under Nursing Tips

You know the sensation. Whether or not you’re a probationer or have practiced for quite a couple of decades, once you step into the globe of nursing, you encounter emotional distress on a daily basis, and we’re not talking solely concerning your patients.

For many nurses, touch anxiety may be a smart factor. I had that tiny sense of unease, not simply the primary time; however, anytime I set foot within the medical care Unit (ICU) to report back to work, I would get that sense of unease.

No matter where a nurse is working, they will be trying to handle  patients, their families, and different co-workers all with distinctive personalities and quirks that aren’t simple to address on a daily.

Anxiety can help some people perform well, but it’s vital to find ways to manage the strain of a hard-hitting career.

After operating for a couple of years as a worker’s comp nurse and currently as a traveling nurse, I’ve found a couple of ways in which to address emotional stress. Perhaps these suggestions can work for you, too.


In any job, particularly nursing, it’s easier to address emotional stress after you have a “best friend at work” to assist you to relish your shifts and also the work surroundings.

Your “best friend at work:”

  • Lets you vent, while not fearing you’ve “finally lost it”
  • Lets you describe a wound, over a meal
  • Shares the frustrations, however additionally the fun of being a nurse

If you haven’t found your supporter at work nonetheless, don’t worry, you will.


It can take time to form friendships you can depend on, so during those times in between, it’s smart to possess a secure place at work where you can go to have a couple of minutes to yourself, to deep breathe, to cry, or to sit down along with your eyes closed for a second or 2.

I have to admit that on behalf of me, this place was sometimes the toilet and nobody has ever questioned me concerning being in there for 10 minutes or so! Alternatively, empty patient space or worker’s break spaces are nice places to seek quiet and regroup.


Never underestimate the ability of deep respiratory breathing. I’ve told several patients to use the technique whereas inserting a nasogastric tube, and whereas it isn’t’ continuously effective for them, it will facilitate relieve emotional stress and anxiety on the duty.

You can observe deep respiratory anyplace. The steps area unit simple:

  • Find an area at your hospital, clinic, or where you’re employed
  • Sit down, relax, shrug your shoulders a couple of times
  • Close your eyes
  • Breathe in deeply and count to 5 slowly as you inhale
  • Breathe out slowly, count to 5 as you exhale
  • Repeat taking slow deep breaths 5 times

Sometimes it’s also necessary to be told you’ve got to leave behind that which you can’t management. Settle for the very fact that nursing may be a 24-hour job.

Take a giant breath in, massive breath out, and then go do your job.


As nurses, we all know it’s vital to require care of our bodies physically; however, it’s even as vital to focus on the care of our emotional health.

I know life is busy; however, it’s definitely worth the time it takes to search out what you wish to search out your happy place, your inner peace. Take it to slow out of your usual schedule and raise yourself, “What do I need?” or “What can place me at peace?”

You can’t take charge of others till you’re taking charge of yourself.

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