Nursing Information
There are so many aspects of nursing that it isn’t just something you can read up about in one day. Learn more about a possible nursing career or nursing education for yourself at RN2B is a website entirely dedicated to Nurses to Be – people just like you who are considering becoming a nurse or taking a nursing career to a higher level. Learn how to become an LPN or an RN, get information on finding a nursing job, or research nursing salaries. Find more details about the HESI or NCLEX exams to help you better prepare for your nursing future.
Nurse education can vary in length of time depending on your goals. If you are looking to become an LPN, this can take from 9 months to 3 years, based on your program of study. If you are looking to become an RN, this can take from 2 years to 5 years, based on your program of study. There are many colleges and vocational schools that are focused on helping you become a well educated nurse, so be sure to do your research and shop around.
Can’t afford college? You’ll need financial aid or scholarships, but don’t think that it’s not possible! You can become a nurse if you really try!
One of the hardest parts about becoming a nurse is passing the NCLEX and HESI exams. Try a handbook or study guide to help you prepare – or consider taking a prep class in the exams before taking them to help make sure you are as prepared as possible. This is the gateway to your next career – make sure you treat it that way!
Take a look at the resources below and read more about nursing!