CNA Exam Cram!

Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant isn’t easy. It takes a lot of hard work and practice, practice, practice!

This “exam cram” for the CNA test covers everything you need to know to pass. It gives you topic overviews, practice exams, and prep tools, like 150 sample questions and simplified concepts and techniques. Exam Alerts identify important information.

Oh, and one of the best features? The Cram Sheet tear-card which helps you remember key concepts on the go. You can take the cards with you to the exam and prep right up until they tell you to “go!”

CNA Certified Nursing Assistant Exam Cram

by Linda Whitenton and Marty Walker

Site Price: $16.10 (regularly $29.99)

A review from Amazon:

The book is really concise. Less fluff is good when you’re short on time. Each chapter has 10 review questions with rationales so I found it really helpful to go through the book only twice to be comfortable. I recommend it as a refresher course and as a hardcore study tool because it covers many different topics for the CNA exam. I haven’t found any mistakes in rationales or typos like other books either.

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