CRNA Pocket Resource

When you’re about to go into the operating room, be interviewed for a job, or are just looking for a refresher, this handy book, Pocket Anesthesia by Richard D. Urman, MD.; Jesse M Ehrenfeld, MD.; and Richard D. Urman is the way to go.

For a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), this pocket reference guide is awesome. It covers every major patient management issue someone will find in clinical anesthesia, all in one concsice, pocket-size and ring-bound book. With 36 chapters and 302 pages, this thing is surprisingly small and contains a lot of information.

It’s a great resource any CRNA could use.

Pocket Anesthesia
Site Price: $46.79

Amazon review:

I kept on seeing students, residents, CRNAs and even attendings in the department using this book to prepare for cases and for the boards. So I ordered a copy for myself and am extremely pleased. While the book looks small it is complete and comprehensive, including both basic and advanced topics. The six-ring binder fits nicely in the pocket of my lab coat or I can choose to just carry a few of the loose-leaf pages around with me. There is a LOT of information crammed into this little book. It’s generously illustrated with many relevant lists, tables, and algorithms, which condenses a ton of information. A very, very useful resource in deed, I recommend it for everyone studying or practicing Anesthesiology.

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