Emerging Opportunities for a Traveling Nurse

November 30, 2008 by  
Filed under Critical Care Nurse (CCN), Types of Nurses

As the demand for nursing has increased, the supply has often been very low and hospitals are frequently understaffed. One option to fill the nursing shortage is the traveling nurse.

These nurses work in 3-month assignments on the same unit. They travel to various locations throughout the country. The financial charge by the traveling nurse company to the employing hospital for a traveler is usually very high, often greater than $50 per hour. The traveling nurse’s salary may be similar to that of her fellow employees or higher. The benefits of using traveling nurses include having a nurse with a variety of experiences providing continuity of care for three months. These nurses need only the basic hospital and unit orientation because they come with skills applicable to their area of practice.

A traveling nurse needs to be aware of differing nursing methodologies and licensure requirements from different places. The contract should stipulate clearly what the assignment is and the expectations of the institution and agency. Most travelers exhibit flexibility, adaptability, assertiveness, strong organizational and interpersonal skills, confidence, independence and the ability to learn new skills and techniques.

Be one of these nurses. Get the right education and information. Research the internet for more opportunities. Recommended sites are:

If traveling is in your blood, adventure lies ahead. This is an opportunity to see other areas of the world, work with different cultures. Many of the traveling nurse companies advertise in nursing journals as well as over the internet.

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