Friday, March 28, 2025

CRNA Pocket Resource

When you’re about to go into the operating room, be interviewed for a job, or are just looking for a refresher, this handy book, Pocket Anesthesia by Richard D. Urman, MD.; Jesse M Ehrenfeld, MD.; and Richard D. Urman is the way to go.

For a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), this pocket reference guide is awesome. It covers every major patient management issue someone will find in clinical anesthesia, all in one concsice, pocket-size and ring-bound book. With 36 chapters and 302 pages, this thing is surprisingly small and contains a lot of information.

It’s a great resource any CRNA could use.

Pocket Anesthesia
Site Price: $46.79

Amazon review:

I kept on seeing students, residents, CRNAs and even attendings in the department using this book to prepare for cases and for the boards. So I ordered a copy for myself and am extremely pleased. While the book looks small it is complete and comprehensive, including both basic and advanced topics. The six-ring binder fits nicely in the pocket of my lab coat or I can choose to just carry a few of the loose-leaf pages around with me. There is a LOT of information crammed into this little book. It’s generously illustrated with many relevant lists, tables, and algorithms, which condenses a ton of information. A very, very useful resource in deed, I recommend it for everyone studying or practicing Anesthesiology.

Practice for Nurse Practitioner Examination

Need some help in prepping for that exam to get your certification to become a Nurse Practitioner? The Nurse Practitioner Certification Examination and Practice Preparation by Margaret A. Fitzgerald covers everything you need to know.

This study guide covers a vast amount of information and has it’s own unique presentation for an effective review. The case examples, questions, answers, references, and in-depth discussions enable a deeper understanding of the subject matter, meaning you’ll be better able to recall information during that stressful test.

This is the third edition of this book, with the questions more detailed, new content added, and full-color photographs.

Nurse Practitioner Certification Examination and Practice Preparation by Margaret A. Fitzgerald

Site Price: $51.99

Great Stude Guide for NCLEX-PN Exam

Need help studying for the NCLEX-PN exam? The NCLEX-PN is necessary for LPN (Licensed Practical Nurses) to be a professional in their field.

This Saunders review is one of the most top-rated in its genre of study materials. It has core-content review, practice questions with rationales, plus strategies and tips for test-taking. Linda Silvestri is the author of several study guides, and this one includes her Pyramid to Success learning features, which highlights the key information, plus has 1,000 high-quality review questions that are very similar to the actual NCLEX-PN.

Also included is a CD which has 2600 more practice questions, allowing you to alternate between thousands of questions to get a more-rounded foundation to pass the NCLEX-PN and become an LPN.

Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-PN Examination

by Linda Anne Silvestri PhD RN

Site Price: $39.35 (regularly $47.95)

One reviewer on Amazon says:

This is far and above the best book for LPN students. I checked out many books from the library and then found this one. The book is broken down into systems with a great review of that system before the questions. The disc is set up with numerous ways to take tests and from former LPN students, it is similar to the actual NCLEX.

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