Friday, March 28, 2025

Occupational Therapist (OT) NBCOT Exam Study Review

As an Occupational Therapist (OT) your job is to help a client achieve and fulfilling life. The patients are usually disabled in either a mental, physical, emotional, or developmental way. They need to learn how to sustain themselves, contribute to society, and function daily.

An OT is vital is helping these patients overcome their disabilities. Because of this, an OT must have proper license. An OT needs a post-baccalaureate degree, and must have certification. This certification varies from state to state, but the most common is the National Board of Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) Exam.

Many OTs that have already passed their NBCOT exam recommend the NBCOT-COTA Exam Secrets Study Guide: Your Key to Exam Success: NBCOT Test Practice and Review for the Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant Examination. It works on strategies, has questions, and covers the foundation to being a successful OT and passing the NBCOT exam.

Another book that many OTs have used is The Occupational Therapy Examination Review Guide by Johnson, Lorch, and DeAngelis. In five practice examinations, this book has 1000 review questions to pinpoint your weaknesses so you can improve them. There is a CD-ROM with 800 questions, customized into multiple practice exams.

Occupational Therapist (OT) NBCOT Exam Study Guide

An Occupational Therapist (OT) works with patients to improve their lives in working environments and more. The patients usually have some kind of issue, like a mental, physical, development, or emotional condition.

In order to become an OT, they must be attend a program accredited by Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) and then take a certificate exam, such as the NBCOT (National Board for Certification of Occupational Therapy). State requirements do vary, though, and many require an OT to continue some form of schooling after certification to ensure up-to-date knowledge.

A few books in preparation for the NBCOT have been recommended by registered Occupational Therapists. The first is Preparing for the Occupational Therapy National Board Exam: 45 Days and Counting. This book claims that it only takes 45 days of studying with this guide in order to pass the NBCOT. It has study questions, in-depth reviews, workbook pages, and a CD-ROM companion.

The second book is Occupational Therapy Examination Review Guide: Third Edition. This books helps identify your areas of weakness, and helps you improve them for the exam. There are reviews, explanations, and many other helpful tips for improving your ability to pass the NBCOT.

Occupational Health Nurse Jobs Specifics

September 15, 2008 by  
Filed under Occupational Therapist (OT), Types of Nurses

Occupational Health Nurses are nurses which are registered nurses who look, observe and assist independently the health working people’s status with value to their responsibilities on their jobs and venture. As they work applying their varied undergoing knowledge and education they help take care of those who may suffer from some kind of illness. The occupational health nurses acknowledge and prelude effects of health from dangerous accessed things and treats with workers who may be injured or sick. They are specialized in helping others who are not well and they have studied a lot about how to take care of people who have been damaged and they use their specialties and all they know to help them get better.

Those who study this profession are prepared educationally to know how to handle inauspicious health effects in the occupational exposing, address way of doing things for dangerous suspension and operation control. They also offer their skillful expertise in nursing to all the industries like: manufacture, the making of distinct products, construction, and compact of meat and also as to the health care industries.

The occupational health nursing have specific and special knowledge of employment danger and the bonding relationship to all of the employee’s health status.

Comprehend industrial cleanliness rules of the engineering and administrative management.

These are couple of the activities of a typical Occupational health nurse:

*Assessing and observing the workers and the environment of the work place.

*Interpreting and examining the occupation and medical history, complaints, lab principals and physical tests, hygiene and principals of personal exposure of the workers.

*Certification of all the sickness and injuries.

*Describing the responses of the workers when they are exposed.

*Finding and identifying if there are any abnormalities.

*Definition and interpretation of the medical diagnosis to the workers and all of their employers.