Nurses Prescribing Reference Review

When it comes to LPN/LVNs, they need to stay in the know about new drugs, methods, and and diagnostics. The Nurse Practitioners’ Prescribing Reference is a journal which releases quarterly.

One nurse’s review: The NPPR is an excellent resource for prescribing or checking prescriptions. Use of tables of symptoms and drugs is very helpful. The side effects and adverse effects assist in deciding which drug may be most appropriate for a particular patients.

Since an LPN/LVN assist in the day-to-day care of patients, including vital measurements, IVs, and prescription care, they need to be in-the-know about the things NPPR covers. Since it is updated four times a year, it keeps the information current.

Nurse Practitioners’ Prescribing Reference (1 year, 4 issues)
Site Price: $59.00 (14.75/issue)

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