Preparing for the NCLEX-RN Examination

Using a book (reviewer) can help make your review easier. To make maximize the time you will spend in studying, try these easy yet essential suggestions:

1. Make use of a weekly calendar to enable you to schedule your study sessions
• Outline the time frames for your daily agendas (work, school, engagements, church activities, etc.) on calendar for the week.
• Find the “loopholes” in your schedule– times in which you wish to study. Put study time to the calendar during times when you expect yourself to be mentally fit, and then do it.
2. Provide the most favorable study environment for yourself.
• Get rid of external sources of disturbance, such as telephone, radio, computer games, internet, etc.
• Do away with internal sources of disruption, such as sleepiness, hunger, thirst, or dwelling on items or problems that cannot be worked on at the moment.
• Have at least 10 minutes break after every hour of strenuous study as a prize and an incentive to keep studying.
3. Use skim reading techniques to enhance comprehension on a specific chapter.

• Skim through the headings of each chapter; it can help you identify the chapter’s substance.
• Do not fail to read the definition of keywords that can help you learn new vocabularies to understand the information in a chapter.
• As much as possible do not disregard graphic aids (figures, graphs, tables, boxes); they are used in explaining significant aspects of a topic.
4. Please read each chapter thoroughly however at a sensible rate.
• Understanding and retention are basically improved by not reading very unhurriedly.
• Take time to read again parts that are not clear to you.
5. Summarize the details that you learned and studied.
• Take practice tests to assessment your application of the chapter content
• Review areas that match to questions you answered inaccurately.

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