RE: HESI Admission Assessment Test for Nursing School

HESI Admission Assessment Test for Nursing School

I took the Hesi Entrance Exam back in February. I would definitely invest in the study guide I got it for around $25.00 and it was helpful. Here is the breakdown for the sections I was required to take:

Math/score 90%:This section was dead on with the study guide. As long as you go through the entire section, do all practice problems, memorize your conversion chart, roman numerals, military times, and how to set up proportions from a word problem you will be fine.

Overview of the Exam

There are 5 mandatory sections in the Assessment (A2) exam:

1. Math (50 item)
2. Reading Comprehension (31 item)
3. Vocabulary & General Knowledge (50 item)
4. Grammar (50 item)
5. Chemistry (20 item)

Optional Assessments:
6. Learning Style (14 item)
7. Personality Style (15 item)
8. Behavioral Inventory (56 item)

Website for sample test and on-line ordering of the HESI Admission Assessment Study Guide:
Vocabulary/score 75%: This section contained words straight from the vocabulary section of the book. Make sure you look over these.

Grammar/score 94%: The grammar section was basically a sentence and you have to choose the word that does not belong. Ex. My name are Kathy. The sentence should read My name is Kathy. The wrong word used is are.

Reading/score 93%: This section was a little tricky. Just take your time with this section, some of the answers seemed to be tricky. Always look back at the paragraph to confirm your answer.

Anatomy & Physiology/score75%: In my opinion this section was nothing like the study guide! Some of the questions I knew and some I just guessed.

Hope this helps good luck.

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