Textbook of Basic Nursing

April 14, 2019 by  
Filed under Nursing Books

In nursing, there are a lot of changes that occur in medical and nursing practices, often to address the growing needs of modern medicine and the needs of an ever-changing patient population.

The Eleventh Edition of the Textbook of Basic Nursing is fully updated for the current nursing and medical practices often used in the nursing industry today. This covers a variety of curriculum – including Maternity, Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Fundamentals, Skills, Adult Health, Growth and Development, Mental Health, Anatomy, and Physiology.

Throughout the pages of this comprehensive text, the authors, Caroline Bunker Rosdahl RN BSN MA,  and Mary T. Kowalski RN BA BSN MSN provide an engaging presentation of data, photos, illustrations, and easy to read and understand content that focuses heavily on practice-oriented and mastery-focused learning. This textbook has both tools in the book and online as well to help readers gain the essential skills needed in modern nursing.

  • ISBN-13: 978-1469894201
  • ISBN-10: 1469894203
  • Hardcover: 2024 pages
  • Publisher: LWW; Eleventh edition (October 13, 2016)

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