Who enrolls in the University of Phoenix Online Nursing Programs?

medical instrymentsWho enrolls in the University of Phoenix Online Nursing Programs?

Some think that online education is a totally individual or isolated effort. With the University of Phoenix Online Nursing Programs, this is hardly the case. The school implements teamwork where virtual teams of students interact and get to work with each other for projects.

Aside from any one student submitting his assignment, he is also encouraged to work with others in a team for a certain course-long project. The University of Phoenix (UoP) promotes teamwork skills by building collaborations among team members regardless of their location.

Most of the students targeted by the UoP for its online education programs are adults that have been working for around 5 years already. These people have been quite focused on their current careers for some time, and now they are considering pursuing their education by enrolling online.

The classes are designed so that the students are not required to attend on set times or schedules. This way, the UoP will be able to assist people in advancing their education despite their hectic work schedules. But not to be misunderstood, the UoP requires the enrollees to log in four times every week to participate in the classes or discussions. Assignments will also have to be posted every week. The flexibility lies in the fact that the students get to choose their own days and time.

People who usually take any of the University of Phoenix Online Nursing Programs are:
– Those who are in the health care industry already and would like to advance their careers
– Those who would like to continue their nursing education to pursue the career
– Those who are shifting careers or industries

Two Types of Nursing Graduate Education

Two Types of Nursing Graduate Education

After obtaining a baccalaureate degree in nursing, a nurse can pursue further education in any number of graduate fields, including nursing. You can receive the degree of Master of Arts (MA) in Nursing, Master in Nursing (MN) or Master of Science in Nursing (MSN).

The nursing graduate degree provides the advanced clinician with strong skills in nursing science and theory with emphasis in the basic sciences and research-based clinical practice. A master’s degree in nursing can be valuable for nurses seeking roles or nurse educator, clinical nurse specialist, nurse administrator or nurse practitioner

Professional doctoral programs in nursing (DSN or DNSc) emphasize the application of research findings to clinical nursing. Other programs emphasize more basic research and theory and award the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in nursing.

The need for nurses with doctorate degrees is rising. Expanding clinical roles, new areas of nursing such as nursing informatics and rapidly advancing technology are just a few reasons for increasing the number of doctorate-prepared nurses. It is important to continue to do research in this kind of profession.

Nursing graduate degree programs are needed to educate the beginning nurse and those seeking advanced academic and clinical preparation. Because nursing is a dynamic profession, continuing education programs help nurses remain current in nursing skills, knowledge and theory.

The goals of pursuing a graduate degree education in nursing are to improve and maintain nursing practice, promote and exercise leadership in effecting change in health care delivery systems and fulfill professional learning needs.

Standards of Professional Nursing

Standards of Professional Nursing

Historically, nursing has been there and will continue to be there not only to meet the needs of the client, but also to assist in meeting the needs of friends and families. This means that a professional nurse learns to deliver care artfully with compassion, caring and a respect for people. No one factor differentiates a job from a profession, but the difference is important in terms of how professional nursing is practiced.

As a science, nursing is based upon a body of knowledge that is always changing with new discoveries and innovations. It is an exciting time to become a nurse. Registered nurses in a nursing role specialty, work to influence decision-making bodies to improve patient care, health services and policies.

Professional nursing provides leadership in the practice setting and profession. Professional nurses work to create and maintain healthy work environments in local, regional, national or international communities. They display the ability to define a clear vision, associated goals and a plan to implement and measure progress. Interaction with peers and colleagues to enhance one’s professional nursing practice and performance is encouraged.

The standards of this profession describe a competent level of behavior in activities related to quality of care, performance appraisal, education, ethics, collaboration, research and resource utilization. They provide a method to assure clients that they are receiving high-quality care, that the nurses know exactly what is necessary to provide nursing care, and that the measures are in place to determine whether the care meets the standards.

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