Anything You Need to Know About Associate Degree in Nursing

Anything You Need to Know About Associate Degree in Nursing


The different multiple entry points into becoming a registered nurse include the Associate in Nursing (which is also termed ADN), BS Nursing or BSN, diploma in nursing, and last is entering directly in graduate programs of nursing. Such options have made it confusing for the public especially to those who would like to pursue nursing as a profession. One of the options, Associate Degree in Nursing is the main focus of this discussion.

The programs for ADN started in 1952 when Mildred Montag, a nurse and also an educator from Columbia University took it as a subject of her dissertation. According to Montag’s study, the 2-year associate degree programs is possible, by cutting short the time needed to educate nursing students, because during that time, they are required to study for 3 years for them to obtain a diploma. During that time, there was a big shortage on nurses because the war has just ended.

About 60 percent of new-minted nurses in the US are from associate degree programs. The associate degree program helps students prepare for beginning a career in professional nursing practice. After completing an accredited program which takes two years, the graduates are qualified for the NCLEX which means National Council Licensure Exam.

Typical associate degree in nursing course takes seventy to eighty hours per semester. The curriculum includes nursing theory as well as varied clinical experiences which provide skills for care centered towards the patients in different situations. Opportunities for employment are in an intensive care units, private clinics and agencies for the community.

Listed here are some of the positive sides to associate degree in nursing:

• Lower cost of education compared to BSN
• It will take lesser time in finishing the course because it only takes 2 years.
• Services to isolated areas can be facilitated
• Local people are given the chance to work and gives them the chance to render service to their community
However, there are also drawbacks on associate degree in nursing and listed here are some of these:
• A number of applicants who are qualified are not shortlisted or they still need to wait because the class size of ADN is limited and many are applying to get in
• The co requisites in most programs are considered as prerequisites
• Students in some scenario are forced to re enroll in science and other subjects for a good standing so that they can equal other candidates in very competition-oriented process of admission into program.
• It happens that many students are not given the recognition they deserve, academically speaking for extra hours in the semester and their difficult work.
• They often get bedside nurse positions because they lack educational qualifications for management, education, and other roles.
• There are fewer opportunities available for advancement in the field they chose because many associate degree nurses fail to cope up with the stressful clinical environment as they age.

With this, consider the options before choosing your career path. It is also necessary to think twice and ponder on your options so that you maximize your time and resources for the fulfilling career you would like to achieve.


One Response to “Anything You Need to Know About Associate Degree in Nursing”
  1. lei ann says:

    • There are fewer opportunities available for advancement in the field they chose because many associate degree nurses fail to cope up with the stressful clinical environment as they age.

    You have to be joking me on this one. When does a degree define who can manage stress and who can’t? Give me 3 seasoned LPNs and myself and we can manage a code because we are…OLD. Please take this ageist statement out of your otherwise nicely done article.

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