Head Nurses or Nurse Supervisors Specifics

September 17, 2008 by  
Filed under Registered Nurse (RN), Types of Nurses

The head nurse or nurse supervisor is the individual with the responsibility of the nursing institution. This nurse has the obligation to take care of the institution and to supervise over the rest of the nurses. The nurse supervisor takes charge of everything that goes on in the place and has the ability to tell the other nurses what to do, but also implying that they have to do the things right so that the institution may run properly.

They analyze and check for future needs and make charts for the nurses to follow. If the head nurse or nurse supervisor does not make the right choices and do not make the others comply strictly with the rules then the nursing institution may not run properly.

In the nursing institution the head supervisor has to make sure that everything is in order, that all the patients are well taking care of and that all the employers are completing their schedules and responsibilities.

The head nurse gives orders but also has to help fulfill them. When an individual is given the opportunity to be a head nurse it’s not about giving orders it’s about making the institution run in order and having a good management.

The hygiene is very important in a nursing institution and its the responsibility of the head nurse to supervise and make sure all the things are clean and sterilized so that the germs may not affect the sick patients who are in there. They also must be responsible for helping in the taking care of the ill individuals and managing the Human resources activities in the department. They have to look after all of the other nurses which are registered in the place and make sure they all take their own responsibilities in completing their job and time charts. The minimum education required is a Bachelor’s degree or certificate from a nursing school.

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