A Simple Guide on How the T-test and Analysis of Variance Works for Nurses
August 24, 2009 by Rn2b
Filed under Becoming a Nurse, Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Featured Nurse News
A Simple Guide on How the T-test and Analysis of Variance Works
For people doing their research, whether it’s a thesis or a dissertation, the use of statistical tools such as the T-test and Analysis of Variance is an essential component to test the hypothesis mentioned in the study. These statistical methods are termed as parametric statistical techniques. When you say parametrical statistical technique, it means that there should be a normal distribution in order to make standardized comparisons across different populations or treatments.
Testing of differences among means between two groups require the use of T-test. It can be used when testing means among topics such as self-esteem or gender wherein the variable (dependent) becomes an interval which is continuous for the former and a 2 level categorical variable similar to the latter.
The p-value will be determined in order to get how likely the hypothesis is. A result which is greater than or equal to 5% p-value indicates that there is a significant difference between the groups and so, the null hypothesis is rejected.
The two sample T-test determines if the 2 independent variables have different mean values on some degrees. One example of a two-sample t-test is testing the variables between a group of patients who were given a certain treatment and a control group given blank or placebo.
Another type is the paired sample T-test which computes for the differences in tests scores on the same sample of patients using a pre-test and another post-test paradigm. This is applied in cases such as determining before and after treatment of level of cholesterol.
The following information should be included in reporting the result of T-test:
• Checking for validity of parametric assumptions
• dependent variable scores
• independent variable levels
• statistical data used for computational purposes
Meanwhile, if the study needs to compare means between three or more groups, ANOVA or Analysis of Variance is used. Here is a step by step procedure in performing ANOVA (in this example, the one way ANOVA is demonstrated):
• Step 1: Use the Ryan-Joiner Test to test for normality of distribution for each interval scale response variable.
If P < 5%, the variable is not normally distributed (proceed to step 2)
If P > 5%, the variable is normally distributed (proceed to step 4)
• Step 2: Transform the variables that are not normally distributed. Using the calculator, the log transformation, square-root transformation and arc-sin transformation will be used for these variables. (proceed to step 3)
• Step 3: Test for the normality of distribution for transformed variables using the Ryan-Joiner Test
If P < 5%, the variables are not normally distributed (proceed to step 5)
If P > 5%, the variables are normally distributed (proceed to step 4)
• Step 4: Perform ONE-WAY ANOVA for variables which are normally distributed. Using Turkey’s Test, compare the variables.
If P <5%, the variables are significantly different.
If P >5%, the variables are not significantly different.
• Step 5: Use the Kruskal-Wallis for variables that are not Normally Distributed and the transformed variables are also not Normally Distributed.
If P <5%, the variables are significantly different.
If P >5%, the variables are not significantly different.
And so, there you have it! Performing statistical analyses is easy as one two three. You only need to research and perform it carefully in order to avoid miscalculations and other unnecessary errors.
RE: HESI Admission Assessment Test for Nursing School
April 12, 2009 by Rn2b
Filed under Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Featured Nurse News
HESI Admission Assessment Test for Nursing School
I took the Hesi Entrance Exam back in February. I would definitely invest in the study guide I got it for around $25.00 and it was helpful. Here is the breakdown for the sections I was required to take:
Overview of the Exam
There are 5 mandatory sections in the Assessment (A2) exam:
1. Math (50 item)
2. Reading Comprehension (31 item)
3. Vocabulary & General Knowledge (50 item)
4. Grammar (50 item)
5. Chemistry (20 item)
Optional Assessments:
6. Learning Style (14 item)
7. Personality Style (15 item)
8. Behavioral Inventory (56 item)
Website for sample test and on-line ordering of the HESI Admission Assessment Study Guide: www.hesitest.com
Vocabulary/score 75%: This section contained words straight from the vocabulary section of the book. Make sure you look over these.
Grammar/score 94%: The grammar section was basically a sentence and you have to choose the word that does not belong. Ex. My name are Kathy. The sentence should read My name is Kathy. The wrong word used is are.
Reading/score 93%: This section was a little tricky. Just take your time with this section, some of the answers seemed to be tricky. Always look back at the paragraph to confirm your answer.
Anatomy & Physiology/score75%: In my opinion this section was nothing like the study guide! Some of the questions I knew and some I just guessed.
Hope this helps good luck.
Nursing Degree
March 24, 2009 by Rn2b
Filed under Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Finding Your Nursing Job
The Better Alternative for Finishing a Nursing Degree: Go Online
There is a shortage of nurses in the United States these days and that is what’s driving people to take courses in line with health care or nursing. The University of Phoenix Online Nursing Programs are great opportunities for those who are considering pursuing their careers in the health care industry, or shifting from another field – without having to leave their current work.
There are several reasons why there is a shortage of nurses. The major ones include: aging population in the US, the aging population of nurses, and the shift from doctors to skilled nurses in terms of delivery of health care services.
What this points to is that there’s high demand and more opportunities for nurses to advance if they have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree or something higher. Those who want to advance their careers and increase their salaries should complete their degrees. The problem for some is that their work schedule and budget do not allow them to go to the traditional schools.
That is where schools like the University of Phoenix (UoP) come in. This school started its online course offerings in 1989. The early Internet-based curricula offered by the UoP didn’t really get a lot of appreciation or consideration. Those days, the traditional campus degrees were the accepted means to complete a degree.
But soon as people realized how inconvenient it is to go from work to school mode every day, the online educational realm started to take shape to accommodate the growing niche market. Soon, people are enrolling and finishing their degrees without even sacrificing their time for their work during the day.