Rehab Nurse CRRN Exam Study Guides
May 30, 2011 by Rn2b
Filed under Nursing Books, Rehabilitation Nurse (Rehab), Testing and Exam Help
Many nurses would like to proceed until rehabilitation nursing, which requires multiple proofs of education. First, the nurse needs a BSN, be a certified RN, and must have two years of experience before taking the Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse (CRRN) Exam.
Since it is so difficult to become certified, many nurses before sitting for the CRRN study for months before. That is why there are several uses study guides online and books on how to prepare so that you can be comfortable sitting for the CRRN.
One highly recommended book is Rehabilitation Nursing: Process, Applications, and Outcomes. It focuses as the important aspects of being a CRRN, such as holistic care for clients, rehabilitation concepts, implementation, and theories, as well as
coping principles to best help the client.
The other book specially readies you for the CRRN exam: CRRN Exam Secrets Study Guide: CRRN Test Review for the Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse Exam. This covers every topic you will need to know for the CRRN, and offers different study strategies.
Nursing Home Nurse Job Specifics
September 13, 2008 by Rn2b
Filed under Rehabilitation Nurse (Rehab), Types of Nurses
Nursing home nurses are nurses who take care of residents who are in nursing homes whether the illness be a little fracture or the Alzheimer’s disease. Even thought nursing home nurses only take care of the residents in a nursing home, they can also do a lot more things.
Nursing home nurses have to ability to access the residents’ health and medication. The nursing home nurses can also develop treatment plans, supervise practitioner nurses if any are working in the nursing home, they also perform invasive procedures which are in some cases starting intravenous fluids. Nursing home nurses also work in health-care departments like long term rehabilitation programs and much more at some times.
Nursing home nurse is one of the easiest nurse jobs to get, it is very simple but comes out with a lot of success so this is yet another great opportunity for you to become a nurse with a good job making some of the millions available in this career. This career is available in your local nursing school, whether you are talking about spending a lot on private school or just getting the same educations in your local public school and making more money without a loan.