Pros and Cons Concerning Institutional Nursing

Pros and Cons Concerning Institutional Nursing

Nursing in hospitals and related health facilities such as extended care facilities, nursing homes, and neighborhood clinics, comprises all of the basic components of comprehensive patient care and family health. The concept of the modern hospital as a community health center where in-patient and out-patient care are continuous describes the goal of medical care in most general hospitals.

The educational qualification for beginning practitioners is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. The nurse, as member of the health care team, participates in all phases of patient care of the acutely ill, the convalescing and the ambulatory patient. The nurse cares for the patient in the hospital or in the out- patient department and plans for the nursing care needs of the patient about to be discharged.

Advantages of Staff Nursing in Hospitals

1. There is always a supervisor whom one can consult if a problem exists.
2. Nurses are updated with new trends in medicine and in the nursing care of patients.
3. They have a forty- hour week duty which provide for two days of rest away from duty.
4. More staff development programs are available in hospitals.
5. They undergo rotation to different units.

Disadvantages of Staff Nursing in Hospitals

1. There is a great possibility of under-staffing which may require nurses to put in overtime work and sacrifice some of their plans.
2. Because of the bulk of work, some staff nurses do not find time to improve their skills through continuing education programs.
3. Administrative problems and overwork may tend to dissatisfy the staff nurse.

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